Grade 2
Second grade is a year of growth, both academically and spiritually.
Our classroom is a nurturing environment where students learn strategies and skills in all subject areas to form a firm foundation. Children are encouraged to achieve to the best of their abilities. We promote daily the formation of values that reflect a Christian way of life.
The second grade Reading curriculum develops skills in comprehension, fluency, phonics, and vocabulary. Using the literature based reading series and decodable readers, guided reading techniques are provided for individual needs.
In Math, hands on activities and manipulatives are used daily to develop and practice skills. Place value, time, money, two digit addition and subtraction, measurement, and fractions are some of the skills covered. Problem solving enhances critical thinking skills.
The Religion program celebrates the Church as our community and how we can be a part of it. The children spend the year preparing for two sacraments, Reconciliation and First Communion.
Our science curriculum is enhanced with hands on activities and experiments. Some of the areas covered are living and non-living things, plants, physical science, and rocks and minerals. We use the outside environment to increase our knowledge, along with journals for observations.
In English we focus on grammar mechanics and usage. The students journal daily and write book reports to practice their skills.
Social Studies
The Social Studies program covers America’s past and present. We practice using map skills to learn more about our surroundings. We investigate the state we live in with reports and projects.
The second graders also work with their eighth grade buddies to collect needed items for the local food pantry.