Curriculum Overview:
In the Little Angels Preschool Academy, our focus is on socialization and self-help skills. In a vibrant and caring environment, we encourage our students always to try their best, as they grow intellectually and socially. Our approach is interdisciplinary, stressing the relationship between the different topics that we explore and discover. Through the use of hands-on and creative learning, we work to develop the students’ self-esteem and instill a genuine love of learning.
Language Development: To develop literacy, preschoolers work on phonological and print awareness, alphabet knowledge, knowledge of books, and early writing activities. Over the course of the school year, preschoolers will show an increasing awareness of text in classroom, home, and community settings. They will progress in recognizing the association between spoken and written words and in associating the names of letters with their shapes and sounds. As their interest in reading-related activity grows, students will learn how to retell, act out, and predict what will happen in a story, while simultaneously learning how to engage with and care for books.
Math: In Math, we use language to compare numbers, using words like more, less, greater, fewer, and equal. Students will develop the ability to recognize a pattern, acquire a sense of spatial awareness, and learn to recognize, describe, and compare shapes. Additionally, preschoolers practice one-to-one correspondence between numbers and increase their awareness of numerals and counting.
Religion: In Religion, we learn that God lovingly created everyone and everything. Through the sharing of Bible stories, students gain a familiarity with basic Catholic teachings, such as the call to treat others as we want to be treated. The students learn how to pray for family members and their community. Students are given the chance to attend Mass and to participate in other religious celebrations with the school.
Science: During Science, the preschool class begins to develop an awareness of cause and effect relationships. Using their senses, they develop an increased ability to observe and discuss the things around them. They compare objects and materials, evaluating similarities and differences. Simple measuring devices are used, as well.
English: Language development in preschool focuses on listening, understanding, and communicating. Students begin to develop an increasingly complex and varied vocabulary, making gains in their ability to use language to communicate in conversation. Through increased clarity in pronunciation and speaking, preschoolers learn to better express themselves and understand others.
Social and Emotional Development: As preschool students begin to learn about themselves in relation to the world, the Little Angels Academy seeks to encourage a healthy regulation of emotions and their expression. Our goals include the development of a sense of responsibility, self-control, and the ability to participate in good relationships with peers and adults.

OLA Pre-k students showing off their work after learning all about apples!

Guest Readers
OLA Pre-K students enjoying a story read by a very special guest reader.

OLA Pre-K students getting a chance to chat while they enjoy their lunch.